Capacity building
CFOU conducts capacity building to CFOU has integrated training in intensive organic farming in the psycho-social model in order to meet to crucial part of a vulnerable child and youth life. Assess to nutritious food and income through sale of products. At the beginning of CFOU’s psycho-social work in Busedde a group of farmers and youth were trained as Trainers of Trainees in organic farming by expert in organic farming. The organic farming method was adopted in a short time by local farmers as it proved very effective in securing better and increasing crops and thereby nutritious food ending rising income.
The community in the two parishes had embraced sugarcane growing as a major source of income and they practiced it without consideration for growing food for home consumption. With CFOU intervention to address the problem of poverty and malnutrition, organic agriculture using local technologies such as animal waste for manure, development of IMO were part of the training for caregivers and volunteers for vegetables, Banana growing, and they have been encouraged to create space for food growing especially now that sugarcanes market is not favorable for local farmers. CFOU has encouraged all he beneficiaries to have to have kitchen gardens to boost nutrition of the OVCs and have a garden for food alongside the sugarcane.